“Blurred Vines” –new video parody from Jordan Winery

Do you remember Wine Country Gangnam Style?

Well the same folks at Jordan Winery who did that parody have a new one out for the summer “Blurred Vines” which asks the question: who gets the girl–the  wine geek or the wine dude?  “Geeks obsess over wine lists, wine scores and winemaking techniques. Dudes love their wine but don’t take it too seriously.” So who gets the girl? Watch “Blurred Vines” to find out. #blurredvines  (PS You can see my Gangnam Style parody “Chile Style” here!)

Here’s the original Robin Thicke video “Blurred Lines.” Here’s another fabulous parody of it by Mod Carousel, a Seattle based boylesque troupe. And this “Blurred Lines” parody with Jimmy Kimmel is hilarious.

Thanks to Jordan’s Lisa Mattson for showing us how to have fun with wine! And congrats to Jordan for being willing to take risks like this! Hmmn, I really should have been drinking and reviewing a Jordan wine while I posted this! Next time!

And remember that August 14 is the return of Wine Blogging Wednesday! Dry rose!

9 thoughts on ““Blurred Vines” –new video parody from Jordan Winery

    • Thanks for posting our video, Gwen! We actually cut out the rap portion of the song, so that our video would be shorter than the original. Thanks for the feedbakc, talkavino.

      The credit goes to the entire team here at Jordan for participating, and especially to Erin Malone, our digital media coordinator, who shoots with me and did all of the editing. As always at Jordan, it was a team effort. And lots of fun.

      Lisa Mattson


    • Hi Erik,

      I just saw the new Jimmy Kimmel one last night–loved hearing that now so familair song played on those instruments! It looked like they were having a blast. I showed my husband the Jordan one also and he almost made it through the whole thing before he said ok I’m done I get it. But he enjoyed it a lot up to that point.



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