WBC 2009

WBC 09: visiting Ridge & other adventures before the conference

In this post “Art PredaBaby Beluga VW Westy at Ridgetor/Wine Predator  Off to the 2009 Wine Bloggers Conference in Sonoma” I describe how I found a way to get into the already full Wine Blogger’s Conference.

In this post, “Visiting Ridge Winery” and other pre-conference adventures” which includes “Some winery inspired poetry from Ridge’s blog” and  a report on dinner that evening with Joel Vincent and others from the Wine Blogging Conference.

Art Predator ready to live blog at WBC 09I was up and at ‘em first thing Friday morning July 24 helping Zephyr Wine Adventures and Open Wine Consortium get registration going for all the excited participants of the 2009 Wine Bloggers Conference.

The Flamingo Hotel lobby was hustle bustle with cases of wines rolling through for set-up in one banquet room for the sponsor reception, and lunch and more wine ready to go in another.

People recognizing eachArt Predator Sports a Spicy Zin Tattoo; photo by John Corcoran other from twitter and blog handles embraced like the old friends they’ve become via social media–even though many of them had never met in person. Others renewed friendships made at last year’s conference and all the while laptop keys were clicking and iPhones popping.

After the first rush was registered, lunchtime was crazy in a different way: I was being pulled in so many directions!

Getting a Spice Zin tattoo from @insidesonoma…

Tasting Biodynamic wines from Bonny Doon and talking kids with winemaker and President for life Randall Grahm…

Telling the Bottle shock folks how much I enjoyed their movie and appreciated their fine cast…

Collecting a few vinfolio wine tasting books and suggesting they attach a pen to the ribbon bookmark…

Grabbing some mediocre lunch with some exceptional truffles from Sonoma County Winegrape Commission  (who needs lunch anyway when there’s truffles and so much wine to enjoy? ummm, me?)…

This post continues with a report about the Wine Blogger Awards and the live blogging event.

2 thoughts on “WBC 2009

  1. Pingback: European Wine Bloggers Conference Commences Oct.30 « Wine Predator

  2. Pingback: Next Weekend 2009: European Wine Bloggers Conference! Will AP be there? « art predator

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