The Return of Wine Blogging Wednesday: #80 is Dry Roses

Once again  Lenn Thompson of LENNDEVOURS (now New York Cork Report) and Tim Elliott (of Winecast) have resurrected Wine Blogging Wednesday (WBW). Hatched in 2004 by Lenn,  each month a different blogger “hosts” a virtual tasting by developing and publicizing a theme. Participants write on that theme and post the results on their blogs on the designated Wine Blogging Wednesday and let the host know.  Then the host posts a summary soon after linking to the participating blogs.

Wine Blogging Wednesday seemed to run smoothly enough for about five years then it ran out of gas. (See my December 2010 posts about whatever happened to Wine Blogging Wednesday.) WBW was tuned up, but again seemed to be headed for the junk yard when Lenn and Tim Elliot responded to continued interest by  myself and others as well as a conversation on twitter about whether  Drunken Cyclist’s wine round-up with voting for best post could replace WBW and conversations on Facebook among women wine writers about how we’d run it..

So where are we headed for Wine Blogging Wednesday #80 on Aug.14, 2013? Continue reading