#WBW76 Boomerang Roundup & #WBW77 Theme–Good Wines for Bad Days

According to the wrap-up on Wine Blogging Wednesday #76, it seems that a number of wine bloggers felt they’d “turned their backs” on the wines of Australia during the past few years and enjoyed rediscovering wines from “down under” that came in under $30. About a dozen bloggers participated in April’s event hosted by wine-zag.com. Thanks, Adam, for hosting!

May’s Wine Blogging Wednesday host is Alleigh from A Glass After Work who wants to know, what glass of wine do you want after a bad day at work.

In your post, include what wine you open, why you picked that wine to wash away your bad day, and the price (or suggested retail price) of the wine.  There are no restrictions on price, country, varietal, etc.  The sky is the limit.  You just need to give us all the details so we can find the wine for after our own bad day. Continue reading