It’s SUPER: Federalist Cabernet Sauvignon Paired With Goldbelly and Junior’s Grill Box

The Federalist Lodi Cab with Goldbelly’s Junior’s Grill Day burgers


Ah, SPORTSBALL. If it’s not one game, it’s another. That’s what it seems to me at this point. But not to my dad… and not to me growing-up. Living in the greater Los Angeles area, my dad was a lifelong Rams fan who loved grilling meat, and later in life, loved red wine. Back when I lived at home, I would often watch football with my dad  — which meant he would be in the living room enjoying the game and I’m be doing the weekly baking — cookies and other desserts for him to have in his lunch box that he would take with him to his work as a plumber. And then I’d hear him whoop and holler and “come see this! you’ve got to see this!” and I’d hustle out to the living room from the kitchen to see a spectacular play. 

My dad would have loved today’s Super Bowl game where the Rams won– and he would have loved the food and wine we paired with it.

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