Love EU Wine and Cheese? Comment NOW Please on Proposed TARIFS!

You have until midnight Eastern time or 9pm Pacific time TODAY Monday January 13 to comment about the proposed 100% Trump Tariffs against food and wine from the EU that might start as early as TOMORROW Jan. 14.

calling to complain: SO PLEAE Call YOUR senators and representatives and urge them to pressure the Office of the US Trade Representative to reconsider their proposed tariffs

Yes, some of these tariffs are 100%.

If you like wine, BUY, and enjoy cheese, olive oil, and so many other food products,

this will devastate YOU.

Because it will cost you so much more to buy the food, wine, and spirits products you love. AND it hurts many Americans who are in the import business– Americans who are your neighbors.

So what can you do? Read about it and comment here. Continue reading