Wine Blogging Wednesday #59: Sake to you July 8

Lenn Thompson writes that the 59th edition of Wine Blogging Wednesday, hosted by The Passionate Foodie, is an homage to Kushi no Kami, the ancient name for the god of Saké, and that the theme is perfect:  “it’s just the kind of WBW theme that inspired the event in the first place — a forced exploration of a region or type of wine that is new or unknown…”

Host Richard, the Passionate Foodie says that “Saké was once referred to as “kushi” which translates as “something mysterious or strange.” To many people, Saké still is mysterious and strange but I hope to unveil some of that mystery and reveal its wonders.” Read Richard’s full post to get all the details and for links to more information on Saké.

Sounds to me like a great excuse to go have some sushi!